Help Age actions in Latin America
Help Age actions in Latin America
We work with more than 28 affiliates and partners in Latin America.
We help older women and men claim the healthcare, pensions, employment and other benefits that are rightfully theirs.
We make sure that everyone knows about the amazing contributions that older Latin Americans make to their societies.
Our projects help thousands of older people live decent, active and healthy lives.
Supporting older people in Latin America
We work in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru
- In Bolivia, more than 13,000 older people have joined the health insurance system in La Paz; this number represents 53% of the total adult population.
- In Cali, Colombiawe provided legal advice to 2,900 displaced people including 380 older people, to help them access state services – for example registering as displaced so they can receive government aid and health services.
- We advocated for a non-contributory pension in Peru and a law is now pending in Parliament.
- Through our work and advocacy in Peru, more than 15,000 people are now affiliated to the National Association of Older People (ANAMPER).
What next?
- We will do our utmost to ensure the commitments made by governments become a reality.
- We will train 200 older people in Bolivia and Peru to become part of a special emergency brigade to take care of other older people in emergencies.
- A network in 14 countries will ensure older people’s voices are heard in the Madrid+10 review process and in the debate about a UN convention on older people’s rights.
Striking facts
- Latin America is ageing in ¼ the time the USA did
- By 2050, 30% of the population will be aged 60 or over – and the majority will be older women
- Only 39% of the current population contributes to a formal pension system
Older Latin Americans are speaking out. Hear what they have to say:
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